I found some track and field cards that I wanted on COMC.com. I didn't check prices guides or anything like that since I only buy affordable cards. I've been involved in running since the 1970s but I don't know much about the card sets, prices, availability, etc. I've mostly focused on baseball cards, Sportscaster cards, Kellogg's cards and Starting Lineup figures and cards.
Here is what I picked up. I will assume they are from the set that was mentioned on COMC.com since I have no other knowledge and no reason to doubt them.
A few cards depicting persons from the movie Chariots of Fire, which focused on the 1924 Olympics. I saw the movie soon after it was released on one of the coldest days in Chicago history. Why is that memorable? As a student, we walked to the train and spent far too long waiting for it.
That was a first date that didn't lead to many more. She wanted to go see a religious movie and I wanted to see a running movie. She's probably a millionaire banker and I am the one teaching at a Catholic school.
This Lord Burghley card is from the 1926 Lambert & Butler Who's Who in Sport. He didn't approve the use of his name in the movie so there is a character in the movie called Lord Lindsay who has many similarities to Burghley.
I look forward to more purchases from this site. I think I will try to find cards of Athletics medalists that are older than my Sportscaster cards. Maybe I will start with those medalists who weren't included in the Sportscaster set. Has anyone done something like this? Will I find lots of medalists who have no cards?