Monday, March 11, 2019

Belgian Sportscaster Cards Finally Found Their Way to Me

UPDATE - these cards are written in Dutch and they are likely a part of the Belgian set.

These are my first cards from the Belgian set.  I am quite pleased because I ended up with a good number of track and field cards from this set.

Below is the front of one card and the back of another one.

The numbering system is 0086 1030 followed by the pack/deck number and the card number.  Like some of the other sets, the numbering doesn't restart for each pack/deck, so pack 2's first card is number 25 instead of being 02-01 in the USA set.

I picked up over 500 of these cards but there weren't any of the main sports from the USA included.  My next task is to determine if there are any cards in the Belgian set that are not in the USA set.


  1. Nice pickup. I really like that Abebe Bikila. I can't even imagine running a marathon, let alone doing it barefoot and winning.

  2. The most I've done barefoot is probably 400 meters - on a nice track.

  3. The longest I've ever gone barefoot is from my bed to the bathroom!! Lol
